Touchchat wordpower 60 basic
Touchchat wordpower 60 basic

touchchat wordpower 60 basic
  1. #Touchchat wordpower 60 basic manual
  2. #Touchchat wordpower 60 basic full
  3. #Touchchat wordpower 60 basic android

#Touchchat wordpower 60 basic manual

* Detailed information is available in the User Manual * Auto clear the message window setting can be enabled or disabled * Communication pages can be shared online via the online community discussion forum * Restrictions can also be made to demo mode, reset to factory and restore from backup * Restrictions can be made to lockout the edit mode, adding new items, options view, typing view and recent view * Cells can be rearranged by dragging them to the new position * Cells can be copied, cut and pasted to multiple pages * Programming and editing is completed on the device * Photos and images can be imported via the device's photo library * Email and SMS can be used to generate text * The screen has a large message window, with differences in the size depending on the device and whether you have it configured in portrait or landscape layout

#Touchchat wordpower 60 basic android

* The size of the screen depends on whether you are using it with iPhone, iPod, Mini-iPad or iPad or which Android tablet, if you are using the Android version. * Capacity to store phrases will depend on the memory capacity of the tablet or phone device you are using this app with * Text generated with TouchChat pages can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or via text message and email * The size and spacing of the keyboard changes, depending on whether the tablet is in portrait or landscape orientation, with larger keys when in landscape * You can select whether to speak the phrases immediately when highlighted, or from the message window, when you press the "speak" button * Word prediction, with four options available * Numbers, basic punctuation and upper and lower case are available * Onscreen keyboards with text-to-speech are available for people who can spell * QWERTY keyboard is the default organisation * There are versions available in English and Hebrew languages. * TouchChat enables users to create novel messages by spelling. * Vocabulary can be organised according to visual scenes, using pictures or photos as the background image * Cells linked to other pages have an arrow key indicating a "go to" * Messages produced using symbols and/or text are presented as text in the message window. * Vocabulary is organised using semantic categories such as 'places' and 'food' and syntactic categories, such as 'people', 'actions', and 'describe' (for adjectives) Additional page sets including WordPower and iEssence are available as in-app purchases Each page set is designed for individuals with different communication needs. * Four page sets are included with the TouchChat: VocabPC, MultiChat-15, Primary and Spelling.

touchchat wordpower 60 basic

* Symbol based pre-stored messages and text to speech messages can be generated using this app, depending on the needs and skills of the user Vocabulary / Language / Pre-stored Vocabulary

#Touchchat wordpower 60 basic full

The full sized iPad enables larger cell size for messages on the display and keyboard keys are larger * Device selection should take size of display into account. * Could use Switch Control (built-in feature in iOS) with external switches and scanning * Digitised speech can be recorded using this app Additional voices can be purchased for a cost * Versions that you pay for have natural sounding synthesised speech with five US and two British Acapela voices.

touchchat wordpower 60 basic

* This communication app can be downloaded to Apple products via the iTunes store Purchase the version compatible for the device * iOS - compatible with iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.

Touchchat wordpower 60 basic