White out liquid paper
White out liquid paper

white out liquid paper

It would absolutely work the same if you mixed the white with linseed oil on the palette then applied it to the canvas. It is probably of lesser quality than other artisan type mediums, but since most oil paints contain linseed oil to begin with, I believe it is perfectly acceptable to use for mixing or blending other oil paints with. The boiled linseed oil is only used to make the canvas slick so that applying the white is much easier and the wet canvas helps thin down the white as its being applied. If you are confident in your ability to not apply to much white, then the gesso stage can be omitted entirely. The only reason I suggest the gesso is to help beginners to avoid applying to much white to an already white canvas. It is absolutely ok to use an oil paint to apply a base coat with, but keep in mind that it takes much longer for oils to dry so it may be awhile before it is ready to paint on. The gesso also acts as a primer and helps prevent the oil from soaking into the canvas to quickly. In regards to the gesso under coating… I suggest using a slightly grey gesso so that once it is completely dry, it is a lot easier to tell where the Titanium white is being applied. So, to summarize, you could technically try a non-latex, oil-based house paint as your base for your oil painting, but because of added fillers it may not be ideal. The whole idea behind the liquid medium is to make the canvas a little slippery so that the other oil paints flow easier on the canvas. I have also found that mixing some titanium white with linseed oil on the palette and then brushing it onto the canvas works just as well, if you would rather do it that way. It will blend with your linseed oil, and allow you to start your painting with a surface almost identical to Bob Ross’ liquid white. Lastly, cover your canvas lightly with your basic white oil paint. Then take a rag or paper towel and wipe off as much of the excess as possible. Once you have your linseed oil, brush it as lightly as possible onto your canvas.

white out liquid paper

You can usually find a 32 oz container for under $10. All you have to purchase is purchase some linseed oil, which is available at any hardware store. The easiest and cheapest liquid white alternative that I have found that works well is what I detailed in this article. Because of the added fillers and chemicals, house paint is not ideal for oil painting. However, those paints have different types of fillers and chemicals added to them. Technically you could use an oil-based house paint. Give this liquid white alternative a try and drop me a line or leave a comment letting me know how it worked for you. I hope this helps you save some money in your oil painting endeavors. This liquid white alternative will dry a little quicker than the standard Liquid White, because Liquid White is formulated to dry slow. This method works perfectly for me as I like to do my paintings in one sitting and not drag them out over several days. If all you see is white paint, you’ll need to wipe some of it off and test again. If you can see the little grooves and details of your fingerprint then that’s the perfect amount. Touch the canvas gently with one finger and then look at your finger tip.

white out liquid paper

The best way to tell if you have the right amount of titanium white is to use the fingerprint test. Although step 1 isn’t completely crucial, it is very helpful because it lets you see where the white is being applied to the canvas. This part is much easier if you do step 1. While the canvas is still wet, apply a thin layer of titanium white. After you wipe off all that you can, what remains on the canvas will be just enough. It’s a very strong paper towel and it will not leave fuzz on your canvas. If you choose to go this route, I personally prefer the blue shop towels from any big-box store or Amazon. It is okay to slop it on and wipe off all the excess with a cloth or paper towel. All you’re trying to do is make the canvas wet. Remember: a very thin layer is all that you need. Next I apply a very very thin layer of boiled linseed oil to my canvas after the gesso has completely dried. Basically, you want to achieve a color slightly darker than white so that step 3 will be super easy. I like to mix my own gray using black and white gesso. Step 1:įirst, I prime my canvas with a very light gray gesso. All earnings go towards maintaining this website. This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase through one of the links provided, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Here are the 3 super easy steps I take before painting, using my liquid white alternative.

White out liquid paper